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Orc Miniature World of Warcraft style Lokomotiv Zwingli

Orc Miniature World of Warcraft style Lokomotiv Zwingli

Orc Miniature World of Warcraft style Lokomotiv Zwingli designed by Daybreak Miniatures 


Available in both 32mm and 75mm options (Other heights and options available, check out our website for more info


Pictures are of the artist rendering, our models are printed in high quality Resin provides crisp clean details


All models are unpainted with support material removed. Because we are human sometimes we may miss a support piece or two, these are easy removed with tweezers or a pair of side snips. If you receive some please reach out and we can advise on the safest way to remove. 


We do combine shipping over at our website, so feel free to check out our other items. 


Want it primed and ready to paint? No problem priming is available on our site as an add-on upgrade. 


Please be aware this will be shipped in multiple pieces, so even with priming so additional filing, one filling, or and additional priming may be needed. 


Want something different? Give us a shout to see what else we have to offer

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